A PRAYER for the Week | Archives 2
26. Protection by Carolyn Webb
Heavenly Father, There are some who deny the presence of the devil, but the growing evil in the world tells a different story. A day doesn’t go by in which we hear of tragic events conducted by misguided people. Guard us with your mighty power and protect your Church everywhere from the attacks of the devil. Keep us safe until you return to take us to our eternal home in heaven. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
27. Mercy by Christine Wentzel
Dear Merciful Father, You alone know how much I love my pet sins. Those sins that seem to continually feel good first then bring a twinge of guilt later. It’s a cycle of madness. I know in my head they are wrong, but not in my heart where You reside. And there lies the truly horrible thing, What a wretched sinner I am! So I cling to the fact that You know my innermost struggle while at the same time You promise to not see my sins anymore. Do what it takes for me not to take advantage of this holy lovingkindess. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
28. Restoration by Christine Wentzel
Dearest Jesus, my Redeemer and Friend, I just wanted to say thank you for completing Your Father’s plans to restore me to His family. You willing set aside Your glory because I needed You before I even knew I did. Incredibly You ran to the cross of my making in JOY because my Father wanted me, His child, to be reunited with Him for all eternity! My earthly brain cannot fully grasp this, but You even took care of that but instilling a holy trust in me so I can believe especially when I don’t get it. All glory and honor to You oh gracious Savior! Amen.
29. A Palm Sunday Prayer by Julie Luetke
As I imagine standing by the side of the road in Jerusalem, waving a palm branch, I am filled with love and thanksgiving for my King. Unlike the people on the first Palm Sunday, I know what the end of the week brings. I know that in seven days I will celebrate the fulfillment of all God’s promises. Death will be vanquished when Jesus walks out of the tomb alive! The events of this one week in all of history give me a joy that will not quiet, a peace that overwhelms the most frightful situations. Thank you Jesus for being my Savior and King.
30. A Palm Sunday Prayer by Christine Wentzel
Dear King of Kings, This week we stand in the crowd waving our palm branch as You ride into town to set things right again. If we were to stop shouting our praises, the very stones would take up the chorus. The world recognized its Maker even while they didn’t understand it. The same is true today as we wake up once again to the face of evil trying to shake up all confidence that You are in control. But You conquered this battle once and for all on the journey to the crucifixion and resurrection. In the aftermath of all violence in this world, minister by way of Your glory through Your people and Your angels to those who need rescue both spiritually and physically. You overcame evil so we don’t have to do it ourselves; we just need to believe no matter what it looks like. Amen.
31. An Easter Prayer by Christine Wentzel
Triumphant King! We are over the top proud to sing praises of Your victory! Who else could defeat the devil, the world and our own sinful flesh—NO ONE! Everything we believe about You hangs on this final act of Your perfect obedience in our place all the way to death to Life. Jesus, You paved the road Home. When we get overwhelmed by knowing we live on a sinking ship, help us to remember this day—Your day, our day—Resurrection Day! Amen.
32. An Easter Prayer 2 by Christine Wentzel
Dearest Resurrected Lord, when I think of joy I immediately think of happiness in the form of smiles, laughter, and good times with family and friends. Then I think about how quickly those feelings turn to sadness by the brokenness that happens in those same relationships and my own actions then my joy turns to sorrow. This sorrow loves nothing more than to turn my thoughts inward and away from “fixing [my] eyes on You, Jesus, the author and perfecter of [my] faith.” You joyfully took up my cross and broke its deathly hold on me. You didn’t happily do this—you knew the pain and torture it would take to be completely separated from Your Father because of my actions. You sweated blood for the strain You were under to do this work on my behalf. But You saw beyond Your own suffering to what awaited me if You didn’t go through with it. In joy You saw the restoration and reunion Your work would bring about. So You persevered and removed my death sentence. That same joy is what Your Holy Spirit creates in me now. A joy knowing You love me that much—that Your Father and mine loved me that much. A joy that goes beyond the situations that bring sadness and turns my head up to the reward You earned for me…eternal life with You. Thank You, my Savior, the Author of my holy joy! Amen.
33. Protection by Karen Maio
Dear Jesus, my Good Shepherd, thank you for searching for me when I wander away to what appear to me to be greener pastures and for gently and lovingly bringing me back into your fold. Keep me close by your side so I'm not tempted to wander away again. Amen
34. Focus by Janet Gehlhar
Dear Jesus, help me to focus on You in the midst of my crazy life. I want to keep You front and center while I carry out my daily responsibilities. Keep me from being distracted by all the activity around me that isn’t pleasing to you. Allow me to be aware of your presence in the details of my life. Guide me to choose opportunities where I can grow in my faith and lean on You. I know true peace is found only in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
35. Submission by Diana Kerr
Lord, I come before you a sinner, undeserving of your love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and attention. Lord, I deserve for you to turn your face from me and just not even pay attention to me, to not have any sort of relationship with me. That thought brings tears to my eyes, both because I can’t imagine my life without you and because I don’t have to; you choose to bring me into your arms even when I hurt you and rebel against you over and over and over and over, day after day. Lord, I lift myself and this day up to you. I know I don’t even technically have to ask you to be with me and walk with me this day and forgive me this day—you always do, no matter what. You are faithful to me, as assuredly as I am UNfaithful. Help me live today in obedience and submission and surrender, conscious that I am clothed in grace. Let that grace you have wrapped me in make it easier for me to extend grace to others, even if that grace I give them is only a taste of what you have given me. Lord, I love you and I can’t wait to hang out with you in heaven someday because of what you’ve done for a sinner like me. Amen.
36. Thankful Living by Karen Maio
Praise to you, our Great High Priest! You offered once for all the most fragrant and pleasing sacrifice of all time - your very own body and blood! Thank you for negating the need for a priest's intercession on our behalf and allowing us direct access to your and our heavenly Father through prayer! To you be the glory! Amen
37. A Pentecost Prayer by Christine Wentzel
Dear Lord in Heaven, there are so many times I feel like I am speaking under my own power—a power that I know full well is weak at its fullest charge. This lie brings fear and stops me cold to where I become a blockage on the road to Your Glory. The truth is my fear is my pride trying to take cover. Please forgive me for this! You sent your Holy Spirit to live in this two-faced heart of mine to help me in all ways—I am not on my own! Please breathe on the embers of my faith to burn away my fears and ego so I speak up proudly and lovingly about the saving work that my Lord fought so hard to win for me and every single person on earth. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
38. A Trinity Prayer by Karen Maio
Praise the Father who made all things, and made them very good; Still he keeps us from day to day like a loving father would!
Praise the Son who died for us and took our sins away. Then to heaven he rose again, where we'll live with him some day!
Praise the Spirit who sanctifies, creating faith within, filling our lives with fruits of faith, since our hearts are cleansed from sin!
39. Humility by Diana Kerr
Lord, every time I’m sick or things don't go as planned you remind me how frail I am and how much I need you. I want control and predictability—it’s like I want to be God more than I want you to be God—but that is not something that any human truly has. When I cling to a mirage of control and it hurts my relationship with you, help me to let go of it.
Lord, I need you big time. This life is much more outside of my grip than I like to admit.
Keep me humble and focused on you. Remind me I am working and living for you and not for myself. Help me live joyfully, obediently, intentionally, boldly, radically, passionately. Help me appreciate that no matter what my intentions or plans are, the results are always completely under your control, not mine. Let me embrace the goodness in that truth instead of struggling with it or viewing it as a burden.
I love you, Lord. Amen.
40. Protection by Janet Gehlhar
Dear Father, I am weak and feel overwhelmed by all the temptations that daily attack me. I am weary. Help me to trust in you, my Rock and Fortress, knowing that my all-knowing, all-powerful, loving God is available and supplying the strength I need. Guide me to follow Your path which keeps me close to You and sheltered from Satan’s attacks. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
41. Growth by Diana Kerr
Lord, you know how I am; I want a quick fix. I want you to make everything about me better and solved.
Basically, I want to be perfect.
Lord, give me patience, now and for the rest of my life, with a growing process you are working in me that will never be done as long as I’m here on earth. Help me see and acknowledge the growth before the fruit even appears. Help me praise you when the growth is slower than I want it to be.
You are sovereign and you know best, Lord. You are the Master Gardener. Help me to tend to the seeds in my life and trust the results to you. Amen.
42. Focus by Diana Kerr
Lord, today would you guard me against distraction? I’m not sure what it is that causes me to be so easily distracted, but I do know it’s something that today’s Christians must guard themselves against more than anyone before.
Lord, I can’t control whether there are billboards up when I’m driving or a number of other things, but I can control how I access certain sites, whether I click on things, how often I open up a site or app that’s prone to distract me, whether I listen to music constantly or not, how much TV I watch, how many possessions and goals I allow into my life, etc.
Lord, I want to throw off these things and run with perseverance the race you’ve marked out for me! Lord, help me do this. I am only strong through you. You are such an amazing and powerful God.
Forgive me for limiting myself and also for thinking too highly of myself when it comes to make changes in my life. Guard and bless me today, Lord, for your glory alone and not for mine. Amen.
43. Contentment by Karen Maio
God, the little green-eyed monster is rearing his ugly head again. Forgive me for coveting the blessings you've given to others. Help me to count - and be content with - all of the blessings you've given to me. And if it be your will, grant me the desires of my heart. In Jesus's name, Amen.
44. Reconciliation by Christine Wentzel
Dear Maker and Preserver of Life, in the daily Scripture postings this week we find incredible examples of your care in provision and guidance while you prepare for our arrival to live with you forever. Just that knowledge alone is enough to keep our hopes high and Your Light shining bright! But forgive us, Lord, when we get distracted from remembering; when we lead with our thoughts and fears instead of the courage of our conviction in You; and when we neglect to inquire of you in your Word, hang out with our sisters and brothers in Christ, replenish at the supper of Jesus; share the wealth that is yours; and thankfully praise you both publically and privately. What an honor it is to have such a legacy! What an honor it is to make this known to others! Continue to keep us strong in Jesus’ name. Amen.
45. Wisdom by Christine Wentzel
Dear Father, oh how you must shake your head at our stubbornness! How many times do you allow us our willful heads so we can learn the lesson the hard way? For every one of us who has tried to train a child, or mentored a teen or counseled a friend, we can get a good idea what it is like for you when we don’t listen. We learn at your feet the way you’d have us go so there’s no excuse for it. Lord, please pick up us gain, wipe the dirt off and set us on the right path. Be merciful in our times of me, myself and I, and do what it takes to turn us around. We are your children, we count on you! Amen.
46. A Wedding Prayer by Karen Maio
Dear God, on this most popular day of weddings, we admit that it's easy to love those we love! But we ask you to fill our hearts with your love so that we may love all people. Help us to do this not only with words, but also with faith-fueled actions. in Jesus's name, amen
47. Agape Love by Karen Maio
Father, fill my heart with your love, so that it may overflow with love for you and all people. I long to love you with 100% of my heart and soul as you require, but so many other people and things compete for the attention that you so rightly deserve. Help me to love you not only in the "good" times, but also when things aren't going as well as I'd like them to. Remind me that you are in control and are my faithful, loving Father. In Jesus's name, amen.
48. Comfort by Julie Luetke
Oh Father, my friend has just lost a loved one and I do not know how to comfort her. Her grief is so heavy I long to relieve her of the sadness. Lord, give me the words that will give her lasting comfort. I don’t know if her loved one loved you. I only know how to comfort when the deceased was your child. I know you hear my prayer and will give me the words or the silence that will help. You are the God of love and comfort. Put your arms around her as she weeps. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen
49. Thanksgiving by Julie Luetke
Today I am bursting with thanksgiving. I want to shout and sing of your love for me! My culture frowns on such open acts of joy. Forgive my inhibitions. My soul sings to you and I long to live a life of thanksgiving so that all may see that my joy comes from your generous hand. Amen and amen!
50. God’s Church by Julie Luetke
Again, Lord, I was blessed when I entered your house today. The friendliness of your children, the power in the words of the hymns, the reading of your word and the teaching in the sermon all give me a deeper closeness to you. You are my God. When I am in worship, I am strong and feel very close to you. During the week I am often drained of my joy due to the words and actions of those around me and of my own sinfulness. Some days I feel under attack for my faith. Give me the words to stand strong and be the ambassador and witness you have asked me to be. I love you my King. Amen.