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A PRAYER for the Week | Archives 3

51. Making Decisions by Karen Maio

Every day I'm faced with a number of choices and decisions that have to be made. Some are easy; the right actions to take are clearly spelled out in your Word, the Bible.  I need help, Lord, with those that fall a little more in the "gray" area. Slow me down so that I am sure to have all the necessary facts. Remind me again to talk to you about it. Give me wisdom through daily Bible study. Send into my life a wise, Christian friend whose advice I can trust. Help me to grow in Christian discernment, and give me strength to overcome the Devil and my sinful inner self who are giving me "it sounds ok" but, really is bad advice. In Jesus's name. Amen


52. Godly Priorities by Christine Wentzel

My God of perfect orderly design, during your time of incredible creativity in the making of this world, you showed an orderliness to your work—a prioritization of tasks—and a joyful love in the doing. I think back to the life of your servants in the bible and stand in awe how they managed to live their lives while being a witness of you. I have modern-day conveniences that would appear like magic to them. No doubt they’d scratch their heads and wonder at our times of struggle to worship, serve and learn at your feet. Lord, help me start the day asking for your help in making the most of the day you give to me. Help me understand that I show your face just through my heart attitude in every task. Being ever mindful of your helping presence keeps me aware of the order I assign to my duties. What’s really most important for the day? Help me put them in Godly order and then do it all to your glory. I need you in this each and every day. Thank you for your promise and assurance you are here! Amen.

A WORD for Women
A WORD for Women

53. Guidance by Christine Wentzel

Dear Father in Heaven who guides, protects and sustains me! Lord, as I walk through this world by faith and not sight, I feel the growing pains of my faith almost on a daily basis. You assure me this will happen and you promise me I will not be overcome by it. But I can hear the siren call of deceit that my itching ears want to hear. The often used, highly successful lies of the devil through his prophets that start with, “Did God really say?” Doubt and my pride join forces with their schemes. Remind me, Conquering Savior, that you provide a complete armory at my disposal. Help me use these weapons, along with your love, humility and grace, against the attacks from friend, foe and especially myself. You are my greatest need above every need! Amen!

A WORD for Women

54. Reformation Celebration by Christine Wentzel

Our God of Truth, we come to you in gratitude that your word never changes, your promises are never broken, and that our salvation is not conditional. The world does its best to play word scrabble with your truths to fit their agenda. Every single time, your spirit breaks apart their schemes. In your love and mercy Lord, continue to bring to light the false teachings, the wolves in sheep’s clothing and our own sinful reason getting in the way of your wisdom. Forgive us when we fall to our pride. Reform the errors in your earthly church now and forevermore. Amen.

A WORD for Women

55. Election Day Prayer by Christine Wentzel

Dear Ruler of Presidents, this week your people will be called upon to vote for a person to lead our country. Now here’s the rub, Lord—just based on the track records of the two major choices, they are far from model citizens let alone leaders. As the day to vote draws near, our hearts ache over the basest levels both campaigns have sunk to in order to best the other. It appears there’s a no-win situation here. So we cling to your promises that you alone see their hearts and know their plans. You alone can make even the worst decision work for your good which is our good. Please grant us wisdom to make choices that will be pleasing in your sight. Please guard our hearts from despair, anger or hopelessness. You gave us a happy ending no matter what the world says. Thank you Jesus, our victorious King of Kings! Amen. 

A WORD for Women

56. Abundance by Christine Wentzel

Father of all Provision, forgive me for getting caught up in the “I want’s”, “I gotta have its”. Every day I have more than I need to live my life and live a life in service to you. I have more than I need to rest secure that it will continue this way. Even if all should be taken away tomorrow I still have You—the God of Gifts, the God of Care, the God of Love! May your Holy Spirit continue to keep my eyes wide open to your immediate working in my daily life walk of faith. Let me never forget how much I need you and how much I love needing you! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A WORD for Women

57. Cherished Opportunities by Lori Malnes

 My dear Redeemer, You are God – my God.  Thank You that You have made me Your daughter – the scope of what that all means is mind-boggling!  Thank You also for putting people in my life and giving me opportunities to share You with them.  Help me to discern when to share You with words and Your Word, and when to share You with my actions – but let me always be sharing You one way or the other.  Help me not to desire my “warm and comfortable bed” – the easy comfort zone I can create in my life – but help me tuck others in with Your love, grace, and mercy.  I don’t want to miss out on the opportunities to be a part of something eternal.  Life is short – let me now waste the opportunities You give me!

A WORD for Women

58. First Things First by Lori Maines

Dear God, You are in me and with me always.  How I want to truly converse with You – not just one way conversations, but ongoing two-way dialogues.  LORD, please show me who I need to forgive and help me to forgive them. You have forgiven every sin in my life—the ones I know about and those I conveniently forget. Plus You have made me Your own daughter!  Wow!  Words enough cannot express my thanks!  And thank You for prayer and for desiring great conversations with me, Your daughter.  Thank You for listening and caring with Your patience and Your love.  You are my LORD. Amen.

A WORD for Women

59. God is Faithful to His Promises! by Lori Maines 

Dear Jesus Savior, Thank You for coming down to earth.  Thank You for always being true to Your promises.  Thank You for being faithful no matter what.  LORD, as I celebrate Your birth here on earth so many years ago, may I also celebrate Your faithfulness.  And thank You for hearing my prayers for those lost without You.  Thank You for bringing people into my life to share Your gospel message.  May my thoughts, words, and actions reflect Your life in me to others.  Thank You for becoming baby Jesus. Amen.

A WORD for Women

60. Hungry for God by Christine Wentzel

Help me Lord Jesus. You willingly made Your life a long obedience in the same direction for my salvation. Forgive me for my times of defiance to follow in Your footsteps. I ask your Holy Spirit to increase my hunger for Your Word. Let me feast with joy on the Lifesaving, life sustaining nourishment found only there. Bar the devil's temptations of earthly excuses and increase my courage to obey so I too can persevere in this direction to health. Amen.

A WORD for Women

61. Disconnect by Christine Wentzel

Dear Righteous Branch of David, help keep me connected to Your life-giving tree. Stop me in my tracks when I am connecting myself to things that destroy and harm instead of heal and reveal your glory. Without You, I am lost forever. Holy Spirit, instill in me an awareness of my actions, lift my eyes to see your face and follow in Your footsteps. Oh how amazing it is to be grafted into your Goodness, knowing that You will let nothing break me off from You! In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

A WORD for Women

62. The Master Gift List by Karen Maio

Dear Lord Jesus, just as the wise men brought you gifts in honor of your blessed birth, so we, too, in the spirit of the season, now celebrate by giving gifts to one another. Help us give with a spirit of love and generosity. Forgive us for any grudging "have to" gifts; turn them into "want to" gifts. Help us stay within our means as we make our purchases. Forgive our readiness to spend at the check-out register, but our reluctance to make generous offerings to you and the work of your Church. Grant us good organization and sound Christian money management practices. Thank you for all the gifts you have given to us! Amen.

A WORD for Women

63. Prisoners of Sin by Linda McCausland

Dear God, through the sacrifice of Christ, you save me from my selfish and petty desires which lead to sin. Thank you for loving me so much and saving me from my sentence of death because of my sins. Please bless the people who are in our jails. Give to them the ability to see your great love and peace which you so freely give to all your children in Jesus Christ's name we pray. Amen

A WORD for Women

64. Our Worst Enemy by Christine Wentzel

Dearest Abba, thank you for the incredible lengths You have gone through and continue to go through to keep us free from eternal harm. You are in control of everything-You sent your Son, our big Brother to fight and conquer the evil of all time and harness its ability to run unchecked. While it can have a broken and doomed world, it cannot have Your family who lives in it. May your Holy Spirit keep us secure in the knowledge of our protected state to help us fearlessly and joyfully press on no matter what tries to trip us up. Taking each step in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A WORD for Women

65. Advent Treasures by Carolyn Webb

Heavenly Father, as we prepare for Christmas, give us the eyes to see the true treasures that are present in the story of salvation. Don’t let us get caught up in the commercialism of the world’s celebration, but help us to be like Mary and treasure the miracle of your coming to earth and ponder it in our hearts. Amen.

A WORD for Women

66. Greater Love Has No One Than This by Karen Spiegelberg

Dear Lord, today my heart and soul are free to praise and worship you as I desire and for this I am thankful.  On this Memorial Day weekend, bless those who have served and continue to serve with their lives for my freedom, following the example of your son.  But Lord, there is no greater feeling than to experience the freedom from sin and death that you have provided for me through your son, Jesus Christ.  Because of the great love you have shown, the ultimate sacrifice given, help me to live a life that glorifies you.  Give me the strength to be a blessing in others’ lives and grant me the opportunity to lead others to the freedom that can only be found in knowing you.  Amen.

A WORD for Women

67. 4th of July by Karen Maio

Dear God, we thank you for your gifts of freedom, both physical and spiritual - there is no greater freedom than that which we have through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. May we never take them for granted. Help us to share that spiritual freedom with others. In Jesus's name, Amen.

A WORD for Women

68. Hope for Wanderers by Lori Malnes

Wonderful and amazing Lord, all is under Your control even the animals. We are precious in Your sight and You love us even more than a parent loves his/her child. Help us not to fear, but to trust in You and Your love.  May those who have wandered away from You hear Your voice and Your persistent knocking. May they make a beeline back to You and into Your waiting arms. Thank You for being such an awesome God! Amen.

A WORD for Women

69. Road Blocks by Christine Wentzel

Dear Father in heaven, I ask you to forgive my sins of __________. I ask you to remove these road blocks once and for all. If I am to encounter them longer then for Your sake keep picking me back up that I may still be a beacon in the dark for Your lost loved ones I find along the Way. I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

A WORD for Women

70. Life is a Precious Gift by Christine Wentzel

Dear Father in Heaven, oh what a mess we make of your creation. We weep over the choices we made and even more over the destruction that continues fall on the weakest of the weak. You wrote the law in each of our hearts—our conscience, whether quiet or loud, convicts all of us. No one can truthfully claim abortion by choice is a right when You are the one who knit each of us together in our mother’s wombs. Please continue to peel away the veneer of lies. Give us the wisdom to care for those who fear their pregnancy and to care for those who are suffering by choices they made. Open the door for more opportunities to be an immediate help in ever-present trouble. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A WORD for Women

71. Day After Thanksgiving by Karen Maio

God, You have created the beautiful, ever-living, evergreen tree. Whether we choose a freshly cut tree or a dusted-off artificial one, may the symbol remind us of the everlasting life that is ours through faith in Christ Jesus! Bless us with love and patience this holiday season as we work together as a family to make the celebration of your birth a joyous, festive time. In Jesus's name, Amen.

A WORD for Women

72. Why Am I Here? by Karen Maio

Holy God, thank you for your Spirit who has worked saving faith in our hearts through the Gospel in the Word and sacraments. Give us courage to share that good news of salvation with others. Grant us the help of your Holy Spirit to live sanctified lives out of love and thanks for all you have done for us through Jesus Christ, In his name we pray, Amen!

A WORD for Women

73. Growing up to be Dependent by Lori Maines

Dear God, my Father: Thank You for your love and patience as I try to grow up in my faith, as I try to be more and more dependent on You.  You change and work on people from the inside out and I need you to work on my rebellious independent spirit.  Have Your way within me to break that spirit and make me tame and usable by You for Your purposes and Your ways.  Help me grow in faith to be more and more like Jesus who lives in me. Amen

A WORD for Women

74. Santa Claus by Karen Maio

Dear God, forgive me if I have emphasized Santa more than Jesus at Christmastime. Use me to instill in my child (grandchild/nephew/niece) a knowledge of Jesus and all that he was born to do for us. Strengthen the faith of my child - and myself - as we spend time in the Word. Bless us as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus's birthday. In his name we pray, Amen. 

A WORD for Women

75. Victims by Julie Luetke

To the almighty, loving, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forgive me for my "victim" excuses to sin. Thank you for showing me Your law and that my sin has consequences. Keep me in Your Word and help me to clearly see the snares of sin. Guide me in Your ways and help me fight temptation. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

A WORD for Women
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